5 Ways to Be Still in a Non-Stop World

5 comments by Doses of Grace

5 Ways to Be Still in a Non-Stop World

A few weeks ago, I asked our fans on Facebook to vote for their favorite scriptures. I did this because I wanted to be sure and feature scriptures on new products that connected with my audience. After a few hours of voting, it was clear that Psalm 46:10 was the number one choice.  

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
- Psalm 46:10 

I'll be the first to admit that "being still" isn't easy for me nor am I an expert. I tend to overthink, overanalyze, and dwell on my problems like most people. However, I've found a few ways that force me to be still and let God in so He can take control. 


1. Journal

be still and know, how to be still, devotional

Journaling is one of the most effective ways to gain control of your emotions. You can journal the Word, your prayers, or whatever you'd like. Here are some journal prompts to get you started: 

  • This week I was most blessed by...
  • God is leading me to make the following changes...
  • One lesson I learned from the scripture this week is...
  • What brings me the most joy in life is...

You'll find yourself more at peace after journaling. Also, you're usually reminded that God is all-knowing and to trust His plans. 


2. Self-Care 

Self-care looks different for everyone, but most people don't do enough of it because they feel guilty. Self-care can mean going on a movie date alone, treating yourself to a pedicure, trying out a new face mask while reading a new book, or my favorite- indulging in a cupcake from my favorite bakery.

Self-care is essential for being still because it forces you to remove yourself from negative thoughts and focus on yourself. Pampering yourself is good for the soul and I guarantee it will cause you to pause and be still.


3. Declarations 

not today satan mug, be still and know, how to be still
(Photo: jillpasco.com)

Whenever I feel myself starting to overthink a situation and go down this dark tunnel of negativity, I stop myself as soon as I realize it and declare peace and calmness over my life. Sometimes I say, "Not today Satan!" like our Not Today Satan mug. Other times, I say "God, grant me peace". You don't have to say a lot for God to change your mood. He wants you to be still and the only thing you have to do is claim it. 


4. Unplug 

This might be the hardest one for most people, but I usually unplug in order to be still. I turn off my phone, close my laptop, and stay off social media. Misery loves company, and you can usually find that company on social media. Everyone runs to the internet with their problems and it only heightens yours. Don't take comfort in social media, but instead unplug and spend time with the Lord. 


5. Read Your Bible

how to be still, be still and know

The BEST way to be still is to spend time with Jesus. God's Word is full of promises that will let you know the only thing you need to do is to be still. Here are a few scriptures on the topic: 

The LORD will fight for youwhile you keep still.” Exodus 14:14

But Moses told the people,“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.” - Exodus 14:13 

Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes! - 1 Samuel 12:16 

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. - Psalm 37:7 

I created this keychain because sometimes you need a little reminder. Take it wherever you go and "Be still & know."

Your turn: Is God telling you to be still? How do you plan on being still?


  • Margret

    Thanks it only takes the grace of God to be still. But like U said, I normally takes to doing the right things that makes me happy at that time ie inform of self care and studying the word of God. Thanks again for bringing out these points.

  • Dawn

    These are terrific days to just be still, breathe and be reminded of what’s important. It is so a non-stop world if we don’t take the time to be still, it’ll only add to the daily stress and chaos. Thank you for sharing :)

  • Lauren

    I really needed this as we prepare for a decrease in our family’s income due to my husband being out of work with knee surgery. Thank you!

  • Mandy Farmer

    Some wonderful advice. Especially self care. Its true , we feel guilty when we pamper ourselves.

  • Tammy

    Thank you so much for this , it came at just the right time.. God is good

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